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SCARS Facebook Page
Posted: June 28, 2024

Good Afternoon                         
Current Date and Time
Based on Your Computer Clock Date/Time

Local (EST) Time

Eastern Standard Time 2025 began on
Saturday, November 2nd, 2024 @ 2:00 AM and will
end on Sunday, March 9th, 2025 @ 3:00 AM.
EST will last for 126 days (20 more days from today)
and will account for 34.62% of the days in 2025.

Time Change is ALWAYS on Sunday @ 2:00 AM
Next DST Change: Sun., Mar. 9th, 2025
Next EST Change: Sun., Nov. 2nd, 2025

UTC Time

The LOCAL TIME is in Eastern Standard Time
Time Difference from UTC is currently: -5 Hours

Welcome to the
Sun Country
Amateur Radio Society


Located in the heart of North Central Florida
Repeater: 146.970 MHz (-600) No Tone - KA4WJA
The Friendliest Repeater in the Southeast

The goal of this website is to provide you with a little information about the Sun Country Amateur Radio Society, our repeaters, some of the activities associated with our group and a bunch of general ham radio information.

Additionally we want to provide you with a “One Stop“ source of ham radio events and activity. Here you'll find information on hamfests, special events, contests, ham radio testing for new licensees and those upgrading and much more. We have also provided links to the ARRL search pages for all these activities. We hope that you find this information useful and look forward to making contact with you on the air.

The Goal of our Repeater is to provide all licensed hams that behave properly, operate in accordance with FCC Part 97 Rules and Regulations, who are pleasant and welcoming to all, and willing try to uphold the 5 basic purposes of the amateur radio service are welcome on KA4WJA/R, 146.970 MHz (-600khz) repeater!

Those that are rude, crude, abusive, inappropriate, etc., or racist, sexist, misogynistic, etc. are not welcome, and should find another form of communication that better suits there needs (such as CB Radio, GMRS, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)!

Those that have differing views and opinions on this are absolutely entitled to them, however please understand it is the legal and ethical responsibility (FCC Part 97.1) for KA4WJA to uphold the purposes and principles of the amateur radio service on the KA4WJA/R, 146.970 MHz Repeater. Also please remember it is the reputation of KA4WJA for all that is broadcast on the 146.970 MHz repeater....so, should you desire to express rude/abusive ideas, please find somewhere else.

Our repeater is located in North Central Florida, Marion County, in the town of Anthony, just north of Ocala, FL. We are about 90 NNW of Orlando, about 75 miles from the east or the west coast of Florida and about 35 miles south of Gainesville. MAP

KA4WJA/R, 146.970 MHz, Voted Best (non-Linked) Repeater in 4 Call Area. Click Here to Read about more about it Needless to say, we are very proud of this recognition!

Our group is more of a social group rather than a official structured club. We get together every 2 weeks and meet at one of the local restaurants in town for some good food, good fun and some relaxation with some good people who share similar likes and interests.

Dinner generally gets started at 6:30PM and then we continue until we are ready to call it quits for the evening. Our next dinner get-together will be held at
Southern Pig &
Cattle Company
- 6105 SW State Rd 200, Ocala, FL 34476 on Tuesday - February 18th, 2025 @ 6:30PM.

Come on out and enjoy some comradery with people who share similar likes and interests who are willing to help you get you started in or willing to help enhance your interest in the ham radio hobby. You Can Always Check Here For Any Last Minute Changes

If you think you have some interest in ham radio but would like to learn more or if you are a local ham operator looking for a great group of people to socialize with, share ideas and maybe ask questions, we encourage you to come and join us. Everyone is always welcome!!

Updated: April 2nd, 2024 12:32 PM

NOTICE: Page will automatically refresh
Next Page Refresh is at 1:30 PM (1330 Hrs) EST
After that Refresh is at 5:00 PM (1700 Hrs) EST

Interesting Ham Radio Software

Have you ever wanted a GeoChron type program but didn't want to spend up to $500 or even more to purchase the software. Now there are 2 alternatives that are both nice pieces of software in their own right.

Simon's World Map

Click on the image for a larger view

The first is Simon's World Map which is also an SDR software package. It runs on a PC and is highly configurable and includes features like satellite tracking (almost every satellite you can imagine), rotor control, solar weather, moon phases, Maidenhead Squares, CQ and ITU Zones, Sunrise and Sunset and a lot more.

The current release is 1.40 and was released on Sunday, February 4th, 2024. What it does not include right now are live DX Spots but they are working on it. The cost is FREE but they do ask for donations.

Click on the image for a larger view

The second is HamClock and it runs on either Raspberry Pi or Linux. It too is highly configurable and includes DX Spots, a live contest list, visual solar spots, POTA and a lot more. The down side is that have to purchase a Raspberry Pi computer (about $125) and you need to learn the operate and install software on a Unix type of operating system. The cost for this software is also FREE.

I run both programs and like them both equally. Visually, I like the dispay on the Simon's World Map better. However, I like the features of the HamClock software because of the DX spots.

I have compiled and run the HamClock software on a Raspberry Pi 4 and 5 (8GB RAM) running the Raspberry Pi OS, on a Raspberry Pi 4 and 5 (8GB RAM) running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and 24.04 LTS and a PC running Ubuntu Linux 22.04 LTS. Currently I am running HamClock on a small Celeron PC (8GB RAM) with Ubuntu Linux at 2400x1440 resolution mainly because I found the Raspberry Pi platform to be a bit sluggish if you only have 4GB of RAM, especially if the app was run at the highest screen resolution (3200 x 1920).

Side Note: I found Ubuntu to be a bit limited when running on the Raspberry Pi hardware. If you want to run Ubuntu do it one a PC based computer. Some of the apps don't work properly. Google Chrome will not load at all. Hopefully these issues will be addressed.

Grid Tracker

UPDATE: June 13, 2024

Click on the image for a larger view

I found another nice program. Grid Tracker. I haven't had a chance to look into it but I've included the link so you can try it out.

You decide what's best for you.

PSK Reporter
Here's a new mapping program I found. This one is web based and links to a lot of the popular programs. Take a look!!

Updated: September 7th, 2024

Weather (4 days) for Ocala, FL

Information and Links to the National Weather Service are not just for hurricane season but all year long.

Click on the above Logos
for the Link to that website

Some Other Weather Websites
- AccuWeather Website
- The Weather Channel
- The Weather Underground
- WESH Channel 2 Weather
(Covers all of Central Florida)

Updated: September 20th, 2023

Ham Radio Special Event Hunter on Facebook
Schedules for Special Event Stations on Facebook

Some of the Local Area Repeaters

Here are of few of the repeaters in the area. This is not a complete list but these are some of the popular ones. If you have a repeater in the area and would like to be listed, send us an email with the necessary information and we'll add it as soon as we can.

(Updated) June 28th, 2024

Sun Country Repeaters (In order by Frequency)
FrequencyOffsetToneCall SignLocation
146.970 MHz-600 kHzNo ToneKA4WJAAnthony, FL
147.165 MHz+600 kHz123N4STPFt McCoy, FL
224.100 MHz-1.6 MHzNo ToneN4TSVAnthony, FL
444.325 MHz+5 MHzNo ToneKA2MBEAnthony, FL
444.375 MHz+5 MHz123N4STPFt McCoy, FL

Other Ocala Area Repeaters (In order by Frequency)
FrequencyOffsetToneCall SignLocation
145.170 MHz-600 kHzD-StarKG4NXOOcala, FL
145.270 MHz-600 kHz123KQ4PPOcala, FL
145.430 MHz-600 kHz141.3KD4GMEOcala, FL
146.610 MHz-600 kHz123K4GSOOcala, FL
146.790 MHz-600 kHzD-StarK4GSOOcala, FL
147.210 MHz+600 kHz123KI4MTNOcala, FL

The Villages Repeaters (In order by Frequency)
FrequencyOffsetToneCall SignLocation
146.925 MHz-600 kHz123KS4EOCSummerfield, FL
147.030 MHz+600 kHz123K4HOGSummerfield, FL
443.225 MHz+5 MHz103.5K4VRCThe Villages, FL

Gainesville Repeaters (In order by Frequency)
FrequencyOffsetToneCall SignLocation
146.640 MHz-600 kHzDMRKC4MHHGainesville, FL
146.685 MHz-600 kHzDMRK4GNVGainesville, FL
146.820 MHz-600 kHz123K4GNVGainesville, FL
146.850 MHz-600 kHz123KD4MGRGainesville, FL
146.865 MHz-600 kHzDMRK4GNVGainesville, FL
146.985 MHz-600 kHz123K4GNVGainesville, FL
147.270 MHz+600 kHz123KD4MGRGainesville, FL
224.160 MHz-1.6 MHzNo ToneK4GNVGainesville, FL
444.8375 MHz+ 5 MHzDMRKC4MHHGainesville, FL
444.925 MHz+5 MHz123K4GNVGainesville, FL
444.9875 MHz+5 MHz123K4GNVGainesville, FL

Univ. of FL Repeaters (In order by Frequency)
FrequencyOffsetToneCall SignLocation
146.910 MHz-600 kHzNo ToneW4DFUGainesville, FL
444.725 MHz+5 MHzNo ToneW4DFUGainesville, FL

Other Misc. Repeaters (In order by Frequency)
FrequencyOffsetToneCall SignLocation
147.390 MHz+5 MHz123.0W4DAKChiefland, FL
443.950 MHz+5 MHz123.0W4DAKBell, FL

This area is intended to provide an assortment of Technical Information that should be of Interest / Value to all ham radio operators. In general this information has been provided by fellow ham radio operators. Hope you find this information useful to you.

Ham Radio YouTube Playlist

 This link provides a Youtube Playlist with some Radiowave Propagation Videos, that should be of interest to all hams, and especially useful to new hams and/or those new to HF comms..

Link to:  Ham Radio YouTube Playlist

Youtube Video Playlist
Provided By: John - KA4WJA
Updated: April 10th, 2025 @ 6:30 AM

Rig Reference (and RigPix)

 These link contains a wealth of information about nearly any ham radio equipment that you can think of. The list of radios is so large it's fun to just browse. Two of the best compilations of Rig Information!

4287 - Rigs 909 - Reviews
1669 - Manuals 2956 - Prices
5304 - Images 293 - Manufacturers
992 - Shacks

Link to: Rig Reference

Additional Rig Information
Link to: RigPix Database

Link to: Rig Reference
Provided By: Jim - KA2MBE
Updated: May 25th, 2025 @ 4:00 PM

Old Books, Magazines and Other Interesting Links

 Here's a collection of old magazines, books, CallBooks and a lot of other information. The ads in the old magazines bring back a lot of memories. Hope you find some good use and enjoy them. Most of these links provided by AE2DX!

Books and Manual Section
Provided By: Fred - AE2DX
Updated: April 10th, 2025 @ 6:30 AM

Technical: Items, Parts & Misc.

 Here's some sites to check out if you are in need some good information or pricing on miscellaneous hardware.

Items, Parts & Misc. Links Section
Provided By: David - N4EST
Updated: April 25th, 2025 @ 1:00 PM

Blast From The Past Archives
Catalogs, Magazines, Newsletters and Handbooks
Magazines Section
Provided By: David - N4EST
Updated: April 12th, 2025 @ 10:10 AM

Electronics Catalog Archive

Catalog Section
Provided By: David - N4EST
Updated: April 10th, 2025 @ 6:30 AM

Important and Useful Ham Radio Links

ARRL (Official Website)
Amateur Radio on Wikipedia
Vintage Amateur Radio on Wikipedia

ARRL on Wikipedia

Ham Radio YouTube Playlist

The link below provides a Youtube Playlist with some Radiowave Propagation Videos, that should be of interest to all hams, and especially useful to new hams and/or those new to HF comms.

Click Here for Link to:  Ham Radio YouTube Playlist

Provided By: John - KA4WJA
Last Updated: January 22nd, 2024

Printable Version of Good Information

ARRL Band Plan Chart (Printable)
ICOM Band Plan Chart (Printable)
ICOM US Grid Square Chart (Printable)
Kenwood Band Plan Chart (Printable)
FCC Part 97 Rules and Regualtions (PDF)

FREE Practice Ham Radio Exams
All of these have all 3 class Exams

HamExam.ORG (Free Practice Test)
QRZ Practice Amateur Radio Exams
eHam.net - Practice Ham Exams

Last Updated: January 22nd, 2024

Something a Bit Different

This is a song written and performed by Steve - KE4SQR. Everyone should take the time to listen to this. It is funny but there is a lot of truth to it too!!

The Radio Song
Posted with permission from the song writer

Who knew we had all this talent among us?

On The Lighter Side

There are now over 1100 Pictures.
Some Funnies, Some Comics and
Some Just Ham Radio Related Pictures
available in the viewing library.
(Obviously some are NOT Ham Radio related)

Total Different Pictures Currently Available: 1201
New Pictures Have Been Added Since The Last Update
Hope You Enjoy Them All!

HELPFUL NOTE: If you are having trouble reading
the text associated with the picture, Try Clicking on the
picture to view a larger version.
Some pictures do not have a larger version.


